In an era of continuous competitive race, constantly emerging innovations or unmet consumers’ needs, as well as in a world in which an economic crisis caused, for example by an epidemic, can appear almost overnight, it is extremely important to care for the development of your own business and being ahead of competitors actions.
Development is usually an expensive process and should be treated as an investment in the future of our company. It is even more important for this process to be well planned and effective and its results properly protected against copying or imitations.
The answer to this need is the methodology of MIT professor Sergei Ikovenko, who during many years of scientific, educational and consulting activity has developed a number of tools and algorithms that allow to create innovations effectively and that additionally guarantee the possibility of effective patenting. Design for Patentability – because we talk about this methodology – is based on the approach developed many years ago and called pragmatic innovations, but adds to it an additional dimension related to the protection of intellectual property rights.
In addition to everyday services for clients in the field of specific innovative problems, today we would also like to contribute in the process of disseminating knowledge about DFP among entrepreneurs. Thus, we invite you to take part in DFP Training Program, which has been divided into 10 sessions.
Below you will find an agenda of DFP Training Program and detailed information.